Advertise With Us

We offer many ways for outfitters and other hunting-related businesses to increase their online presence and garner traffic from interested hunters.

  Advertising Rates (Monthly)
  1st State Each Additional State Discount
Featured Listing $50 $25 50%
Gold Listing $20 $10 100%
Silver Listing $10 $5 N/A
Bronze Listing $5 $3 N/A
State Page Banner $40 $20 50%

Directory Listings

All Listings are displayed on the outfitter's state page (i.e. Illinois) as well as the Home page.

Featured Listings are displayed in random order to give each outfitter equal time at the top of the listings. Featured listings include all of the following: website thumbnail, business name, phone, email link, outfitter description (user can expand text description), links to website, photo gallery (if available), and video (if available). When an interested hunter clicks on one of the links, the outfitter's website/webpage is displayed in a window which allows the interested hunter to read more about the outfitter of interest. Featured outfitters are also displayed as Gold Members in the "All Outfitters" section.

Gold Listings include: hyperlinked website, states were outfitter offers hunts for the site species, email link, and phone number.

Silver Listings include: hyperlinked website, states were outfitter offers hunts for the site species, email link, and phone number. Silver listings are also available for Free to outfitters that provide a link to Contact us using the form below for details.

Bronze Listings include: business name, states were outfitter offers hunts for the site species, and phone number. Note that all outfitters that participate in the Free Trial program will retain Bronze status even if they choose to not continue the service.

NOTE:) discounts are provided to outfitters that participate in the industry's only hunting lead generation service. See for details on the hunt lead generation service. Free trial programs are available.


State Page Banners are displayed in the left side pane of each state page. These banners are hyperlinked to the outfitter's or other hunting-related business' website. The banners on each state page are displayed in random order to give each advertiser equal time at the top.


  1st Site Each Additional Site
Site Sponsor $1000/year $500/year

Sponsors may choose to sponsor one or more of our species-centric hunting outfitter directories:

In lieu of cash payments, exchange of merchandise, services, or links to or one or more of the directories may be considered. Please contact us using the form below if you would like to discuss mutually beneficial business arrangements.

Contact Us

* = required field
First Name:*
Last Name:*
- -
Email Address:*
Company Name:*
Company Website: